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RISE24 Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals is now closed.

All Rise is no longer accepting proposals for RISE24. For questions, contact Meghan Wheeler at

Presenter Information

All Rise will host RISE24, the world's largest conference on addiction, mental health, and justice reform, May 22-25, 2024 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. RISE, drawing 7,000 attendees each year, brings together leaders from all models of treatment courts, the recovery community, law enforcement, veteran service organizations, legislators, and other key stakeholders to learn the latest evidence-based practices for serving individuals with substance use and mental health disorders in the justice system.

All Rise is seeking session proposals that present best practices in service delivery, collaboration, and justice programming that enhance outcomes in treatment courts, including adult, juvenile, family, and reentry drug treatment courts, DWI courts, tribal healing to wellness courts, and veterans treatment courts. All Rise strongly encourages proposals for sessions that present research findings and their impact on practice, feature data analysis, and highlight evidence-based practice implementation.

Priority Topic Areas

While All Rise will accept and schedule sessions that cover a wide range of topics, we are especially interested in justice reform research-based programming, law enforcement, the unique needs of justice-involved veterans, family-centered practices, pretrial services, community supervision, reentry services, equity and inclusion, effective addiction and mental health treatment, housing, employment, and vocational approaches, and long-term recovery management. 

Selection Criteria

The selection process is competitive. Proposals will be selected based on their relevance to the field; ability to address cross-functional policy/program areas; engaging format; interactive design; style, clarity, and originality; relevance to a national audience; and the subject matter expertise and training experience of the presenters. Please review the selection criteria below:

  1. Sessions may be 1.25 hours or 3 hours in length.
  2. If proposing a panel format, a maximum of three (3) panelists and one (1) moderator is allowed.
  3. When completing the Session Description and Learning Objectives portions of this application, please craft language that could be used in the official RISE program and mobile app to describe your session. If your application is accepted, this section of your application may be included in the final program and mobile app.
  4. RISE24 presenters agree to provide All Rise with final electronic copies of any slide decks and/or handout materials for their session(s) no later than Friday, April 12, 2024. All materials will be made available to attendees via the RISE mobile app in PDF format. All handouts will be submitted to state and national accreditation boards for continuing education credit approval.
  5. RISE speakers are expected to register for the conference and pay for their own travel/lodging expenses. Speakers receive a discounted registration fee of $495.
  6. All Rise may publish part or all of the proceedings of this conference. By presenting at RISE, you agree that All Rise has the right to include your presentation in a future publication and/or on its websites, if All Rise so chooses. You are not precluded from publishing your material elsewhere, nor is All Rise obligated to include it in any book, monograph, scholarly journal, or other communication that may result from this conference.

Explore RISE24